Friday, October 15, 2010

Vince Vaughn Responds To 'The Dilemma' Joke Controversy; Says Comedy Should Be Equal Opportunity Offender

Are you getting sick of the whole controversy behind the gay joke in the Ron Howard film, "The Dilemma" starring Vince Vaughn and Kevin James?

Universal has already issued a PC-friendly trailer and GLADD is pushing for the joke to be removed from the film entirely. And while we don't condone hate speech at all, it feels like this is in the news only because its topical with the recent rash of teen suicides. Prop 8 remains stuck in appeals court and people are concerned over a friggin' Ron Howard trailer? Ugh. Anyhow, Vincent Vaughn has spoken out on the matter, essentially saying hate speech sucks, but comedy should be an equal opportunity offender. The comedian also hints at the dangers of censorship in his last line.

"Let me add my voice of support to the people outraged by the bullying and persecution of people for their differences, whatever those differences may be. Comedy and joking about our differences breaks tension and brings us together. Drawing dividing lines over what we can and cannot joke about does exactly that; it divides us. Most importantly, where does it stop?"
It remains unclear whether Universal will pull the joke out of the film or not, but we're imagining they will probably cave under the pressure. This breeder just thinks too much attention has been put on an unfortunate-looking Ron Howard film that appears like it'll offend comedy and film sensibilities more than it will offend anyone of a different, non-straight sexual orientation. [Deadline]

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