Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Morgan Freeman Still Trying To Put Together David Fincher's Adaptation Of Arthur C. Clarke's 'Rendezvous With Rama'

Maybe Morgan Freeman caught onto our "5 Lost David Fincher Projects We'd Love To See" feature?

The actor has been shepherding the number one film on that list —
an adaptation of "2001: A Space Odyssey" co-scribe Arthur C. Clarke's "Rendezvous With Rama" — for years with no success and has now provided an update on how (little) it's progressing.

"No [it's not dead]. We're still pushing for 'Rendezvous With Rama,'" Freeman told MTV. "That's a got-to-be-done movie. Just have to figure out how to do it. I've been trying for -- I don't know -- 15 years now to get a script. You would think it was easier than it is. It's not; it's really hard."

"Fincher is still part of the conversation. It's a hard nut to crack, but once it's cracked it could become something." Despite sounding like a very loaded statement, especially considering Fincher's past pessimism, these quotes look to have pretty much been put right into Freeman's mouth by the interviewer
upon viewing the actual video. Don't put too much weight on it: they're still looking for a writer to adapt the novel.

Freeman did provide an interesting development though noting that
"now that we've got James Cameron who's done 'Avatar,' we know exactly what genre it has to be. It has to be done in 3D. Absolutely has to be done in 3D." With little to no action to speak of, Hollywood hesitation in developing this story has been understandable but perhaps the film now have it's found it's calling in 3D?

The opaque sci-fi story centers on a 30-mile-long hollow cylindrical alien spaceship that is discovered in our solar system and a group of space explorers sent out to investigate (Freeman was being lined up to lead) who find out its intentions and unlock its mysteries.

Without even a script or writer in place after all this time, we highly doubt there will be any movement in the foreseeable future with Fincher also seemingly occupied by a million other things. For now but, keep selling it Morgan. You never know who's listening.

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