Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stink Guaranteed: Mike Myers To Play Pepé Le Pew

Get ready America, because Mike Myers is coming back to stink up theaters across the nation, but this time, it's on purpose.

The actor/comedian who bombed horribly with his last original effort "The Love Guru," and who gained a small shred of credibility and dignity by appearing in Quentin Tarantino's "Inglorious Basterds," is set to return to the big screen as Pepé Le Pew. That's right. The horny French skunk is getting his own movie.

It's unclear why Pepé is getting his own movie when more recognizable Looney Tunes characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig are sitting on the sidelines, but we'll presume that Warner Bros. knows what they're doing. Citing the weirdest poll ever conducted, Vulture reports that Mike Myers is more recognized than Bugs Bunny, but that audiences have a more favorable impression of Bugs Bunny than Mike Myers. What this actually has to do with Pepé Le Pew we have no idea, but he's the least recognized of them all.

Details on the film are scarce, but what is known is that it will be a live action/CGI hybrid with only Pepé and his love interest Penelope being animated. So basically, it's "Garfield" with a skunk. And even that movie at least had Bill Murray doing the voice.

Myers hasn't had an easy ride in Hollywood. Early in his career his demand for perfection and his overbearing ego made him many enemies in industry circles and even prompted a fascinating EW profile a couple of years ago. But that said, the guy can make mad bank doing funny voices (hello $1.2 billion "Shrek" franchise) and it's easy to see why Warner Bros. are trying to replicate that success. But frankly, we'd still rather see "Dieter."

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