Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Watch: New 'Skyline' Trailer Promises Some Fun (And Very Blue) Eye Candy

We'll admit, this sort of thing is not in our usual wheelhouse, but sometimes a flashy, escapist action pic can fit the bill if done right. So excuse us if this latest trailer for the alien invasion flick "Skyline" was a pleasant surprise, especially in a genre we're pretty much done with.

The film doesn't really boast any real names unless you count Hey It's That Guy! dudes from "Scrubs" and "Dexter." The plot seems more or less straightforward: aliens invade, shit happens. But we have to admit, the effects here look pretty top notch. Even if the story ends up being lame, this will be some serious eye candy. And we're not the only ones who noticed as at the end of the summer, Sony began exploring legal options against the Universal film because directors
Greg and Colin Strause ("Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem") own the VFX house Hydraulx, who are one of the vendors on the effects work for "Battle: Los Angeles," which boasts a similar plotline. But we presume with a release date of November 12th for "Skyline," it will head into theaters without opposition.

The trailer is below or you can head over to Apple to watch it in HD.

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