Thursday, September 23, 2010

Olivier Assayas' Gangster Epic 'Carlos' Gets Fantastic Poster & New Trailer; Theatrical Cut Will Run 2 Hr 20 Min

For most critics (including us) who've already seen "Carlos," we've watched it in its full three-part, five-and-a-half-hour as originally conceived. And though it will be hitting theaters via IFC in a shortened, but still lengthy, two hour and twenty minute cut (believe us, this is a hard film to whittle down) we do advise you take the time to watch the full cut when it airs on the Sundance Channel.

Anyway, we now have a beautiful, fresh, very 1970s poster for the film and brand new trailer for the film as well. If anything, we hope the film's fall release brings some attention to Edgar Ramirez who is absolutely phenomenal in the lead role of Cold War terrorist Carlos The Jackal. He gives a powerful body-morphing, sexy, multi-lingual, cross-continental performance that makes Vincent Cassel's turn as Mesrine look like child's play. We really hope Hollywood is paying attention because Ramirez proves himself to be the real deal. Also in evidence is the weird jangly guitar score that we pointed as distracting in our review, and is still distracting here. We simply don't get it. But it's a niggling problem in an otherwise very, very strong piece of work.

You can watch the trailer in HD over at Apple; the embed is below. "Carlos" will open in select theaters on October 15th. Sundance Channel will air all three parts starting on October 11th.

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